Monday, August 18, 2008

First Exhibition

I've never been involved in an exhibition at a gallery or art center-until now. In July I delivered 22 pieces to Outside the Lines Art Gallery in Dubuque, Iowa. A delightful, intimate gallery with owners who are also artists. They helped me through the process and I guess my attitude was, "you have to start somewhere." I just accepted the fact that the pieces I gathered may not be something I would group after I've done a few of these, but I gave myself permission to make mistakes and learn from the experience.

Connie and Stormy, the owners, did a very nice job of displaying them. The other artist, a pastel artist from Galena, Illinois who does colorful, enchanting landscapes of rolling hillsides. The opening proved to be enjoyable. It is quite a different experience to have people comment and ask questions about mywork other than my family members.
In August I participated in a solo exhibition in Charles City at their Art center. Again, the director Nicole did an exceptional job of setting up the exhibition and arranging the opening. I even did my first gallery talk. I'll have to work on that!